Commonly Abused Prescription Medications


Medications used for pain, depression, and ADHD are necessary and can be very effective when used as prescribed.  Unfortunately, they are often misused and abused which can cause serious heath risks and many social problems.  There are three types of prescription drugs that are most often misused.  Opiates, which are prescribed for pain management, stimulants for ADHD and Depressants which are often prescribed for anxiety or sleep issues.


Opiates have many popular brand names, many of which are probably familiar to you.  OxyContin, Percodan, Vicodin and Demerol are just a few examples.  People who misuse opiates are often originally prescribed them for a medical problem, but are genetically predisposed to become addicted.  These people experience a rush or high when they take the medications, causing their brains to want more of the medication, more often.  Common street names are hillbilly heroin, Oxy’s, and Vikes to name a few.


Stimulants also have well known brand names.  Ritalin, Adderall, and Concerta are a few you may have heard of.  People misuse stimulants for a variety of reasons, including weight loss and even as a study aid.  Stimulants are often known as skippy, the smart drug, or Vitamin K on the street.


Depressants are used to treat all kinds of mental illnesses, including sleep disorders and anxiety.  Common brand names for depressants include Xanex, Ativan, Ambien and Valium.  Unfortunately, they are often abused or misused.  Some people develop a tolerance for the medications and become dependent on them.  Others take more then prescribed to experience a high or euphoria.  Depressants are known on the street as red birds, yellow jackets and zombie pills among other street names.


There are of course many other prescription drugs that are abused or misused, but these are the most common and are a growing concern to the medical community.  These medications that are prescribed to help people can end up in the wrong hands and causing harm to the community.

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