Are Powerful Painkillers really that Addictive?




Chronic pain can be a real problem.   Chronic pain can interrupt your life.  It can stop you from doing the things you enjoy because the pain is too much.  Chronic pain can make your everyday routine seem impossible, making you feel helpless.   Many people suffer from chronic pain.  Chronic back pain is perhaps the most common of the problems that lead to chronic pain.  Doctors prescribe powerful painkillers to those in chronic pain, but the question is, are these painkillers addictive?

Your doctor may prescribe opiates or opioids to you for your chronic pain.  They are both very effective and powerful pain killers.  Opiates are natural painkillers; they are made from the Aisan poppy plant.  Common opiates are morphine and codeine.  Opioids are man-made chemical modifications of opiates.   Among opiates you find heroin, oxycodone and Vicodin.  The way they work is similar in that they lessen the pain signals in your brain which in turn lessens the feeling of pain.  They can also make a person feel a sense of euphoria or a “high”.

Opiates and Opioids are universally prescribed to patients that have chronic pain due to cancer or the end of life.  There is no controversy surrounding this practice and these medications can help people rest more comfortably.  There is some discord among doctors about prescribing these strong pain killers to patients with a severe and chronic pain, such as back pain.

There are certain patients who might be more susceptible to being addicted to these painkillers.  These patients are people who have a family history of drug or mental abuse, or who are born with a tendency to become addicted more easily.  If you do not fall under these umbrellas, then the risk of becoming addicted is relatively low.

It is important to be aware of the risks of addiction when taking painkillers, and if you recognize signs of addiction immediately contact your doctor.  You should always talk to your doctor and pharmacists about all medications that you currently take.  You should always take your medication only as prescribed, in the doses that were prescribed.  You should also stop taking the pills when your pain improves and throw away any unused pills.  Following these guidelines should keep you safe when taking powerful painkillers, so you can get back to your life.

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