Early Intervention Prevents Abuse


parent child


Teen  drug use has always been a problem.  Alcohol, cigarettes, prescription medications, and over the counter medications are all abused, as well as illegal street drugs and marijuana.  Research suggests that teens who don’t use drugs and or alcohol abstain because of their parents.  They abstain because of their parents positive influence and also because they don’t want to disappoint them.  This information suggests that early education and intervention can prevent drug and alcohol abuse and use.

There are many ways parents can have a positive influence on their children’s lives.  Communication is always important.  A healthy relationship where you communicate daily with your child is so important.  It can help you know your children better and help guide them into making positive choices, activities and friendships.   Talk to your children about their day, ask questions that they can’t answer with a simple yes or no, for example, what was your favorite part of your day, or your least favorite part of your day.  Tell your child about your day as well.  Don’t be afraid to talk to your children about drug abuse, even at an early age. It has been shown that when parents talk to their children at an early age and often, there is less likelihood of drug use.

Be a part of your child’s life.  Be involved in your children’s activities and attend their special events, such as dance recitals, sports games and awards assemblies at school.  Praise your children often.  Teens and kids are less likely to get involved in drugs and alcohol if they have a caring parent or adult in their lives.  It might seem like common sense, but just being involved in your children’s lives is a step towards prevention.

Make clear rules and make sure to be consistent.  Research suggests that children with either harsh rules or no rules are more likely to try drugs, so try to be consistent and reasonable in your family rules.  Most importantly, be a good role model.  Your children look up to you and want to be like you, so try always to find ways to solve problems, have fun and manage stress without drugs and alcohol.  Your children will see you doing this and will follow suit, as children imitate the adult behavior that they are exposed to.

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